Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Would you believe this angel face has been a complete nightmare today, well from after preschool anyway!!

My goodness she has been challenging, but gorgeous and loving inbetween!!

Preschool is still going well but her enthusiam is waining slightly. I worry so much about her as I was deadly shy as a child (still am really), I would hide in a corner and not talk to anyone and I have such bad memories of my early years at school, being sat in a corner of the play ground when everyone else plays, never being part of anything, just slightly on the outside of everything (still am!!) I am so worried that she is taking after me, I don't want her to feel like I did (I do remember everyone asking me about my victoria plum lip balm though!!) Izzy is very shy with new people and in situations she not used to but she does also crave attention, which I never did and still hate to this day, so maybe, just maybe she will let her true personality shine! OK so I am over thinking things.....I'm off!

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