Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Spying on Anenome

Thanks again for concerns over my headaches! I'm pleased to say they appear to be going.

I think I've figured out where they originated from... I've been having some really bad shoulder pain lately that has kept me awake at night, so I've been drinking more coffee which I think resulted in a catch 22 of less sleep, and then needing more coffee to stay alert.

The shoulder is a muscle inflamation that's been bruising the nerves so shooting pains have resulted - quite nasty but I went onto painkillers to try and get some sleep, and also gave up the caffeine.

Anyway it turns out my headaches are likely to be a symptom of caffeine withdrawal (internet self diagnosis)! I tell you I've had migraine (real migraine with the flashing lights and slurred speech) and I've had major league hangovers but these caffeine withdrawal ones are worse!

I think they're now abating and I'm going to stick with giving up the caffeine. We'll see what happens!

This flower is an anenome or a windflower. I wanted to blip her as nearly all of her garden colleagues have lost their petals so it may be my last chance this year.

They're really beautiful but apparently poisonous too. Just in case you wanted to eat one.

So what I'm doing now is alternating between flowery blips and gritty urban scenes, to show I'm a deep deep man with many levels. A soul as soft as a fluffy bunny but a heart of steel!! I'll put a pound in your charity box mister, but you'd better give me a sticky lapel badge!!!

Erm.... :o)

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