Sheep's Eyes

I am so far behind now ... with the OU and E mails and booking outings in London...and all because the sun came out again today. You have to remember last Summer, for those of us in England, was virtually non-existant and so I am making the most of it just in case it all disappears again...

Anyway to Castle Ashby today to look for moving buttercups so that I could learn about shutter speed ... and look
Hope and I are so alike ..except she's loads younger and I am ancient...except she's got 3 kids and I have 4 ...except she's beautiful and I'm unusual looking...except she is talented whereas I'm just good ;) except she's going off to Uni and I'm doing an OU course ...except hers is oilseed rape and mine is a buttercups ..except mine's now a sheepies eye... for gawd's sake get offline NOW

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