Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix


A busy day today. Weather was fantastic but I had so much work to do.

Managed to go for a little walks at lunchtime and did couple of street shots. Also took an attempt at Autumn on the way into work but nothing really worked. Street wasn't street enough and the leaves looked more sorry than Autumnal gold.

If at first you don't succeed. Give up and try something else.

I can always go back to street and autumn tomorrow.

So, finally, after much more work in the evening I glanced round the stuff on my shelves and chose these masks from a very nice (pre-kids) trip to Venice a long time ago.

I have never pranced round in either of these even though I do have the nose to carry it off I think.

All the best to blip world out there and thank you all for very kind comments yesterday.

All the best.

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