Journey Through Time

By Sue

Snuggled In

Went to aunties today. We were going to go to Troutdale, so I brought my camera intending to find something interesting there. Never went there, so the camera stayed locked away in the car all day as we did her errands. We did a little lunch and went to Winco for groceries. This took all of the afternoon, and by the time I got home I still needed a blip. Sunny day today, but the wind is whipping things around. I went out front and was snooping around my flowers when I noticed this grasshopper snuggled into the side of one of the big marigolds, hanging on for dear life, I guess as the flower was swaying all over the place. Aha! Haven't blipped a grasshopper until today. Fortunately, I managed to catch him when there was a calm moment.

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