A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Guardians of the back door

Meet Apu and Manchula. They are our lucky elephants. They guard our back door and bring good fortune to our house and garden - or so we like to believe.

We gave them a good wash and a fresh lick of paint yesterday - Corin said they enjoyed it.

These two have sentimental value as they were the first things that we bought together, at a flea market in Crystal Palace - they represent our relationship becoming 'real' because even though it was not a major purchase, it was something that we both loved and could see in a home of our own, when we got round to buying (which we did shortly afterwards). We both believe that Elephants represent luck and good fortune, so having them at the door to our house means we will be happy - and do you know what - we are!

4 more 'get ups' then its half term and off to Spain to see mum - yay - can't wait

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