Jack James

By JackJames


Today was a late(ish) start after last night where we all went to a new club night over at HMV Picturehouse. I'd drank more than I was planning on - only realising my state when the room wasn't as stable as it should be when I went to bed. Happily, I didn't have a hangover this morning to I could be productive. I was made jealous of the weather down south when Emma called me saying she was sunbathing on the beach :(

The weather also helped in my productiveness - an abrupt end to the summer weather we've been having of late, in time with the start of October. As I write a cool mist has settled over the city with mizzle. not nice to hang out in, but good to get lots of work done. As the picture shows, I've been touching up on my basic geology - bedding, deformations and unconformities in preparation for a field trip to Siccar point tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to it on the one hand - It'll be very interesting to see where James Hutton started modern geology, and realised the succsession of rocks and how it realates to geological time. On the other hand, if last week was anything to go by, I won't be in bed until way past 4am, leaving about 3 hours to sleep before I have to be on the bus. Oh dear oh dear.

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