Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Sunny Saturday

Well after yesterday's shenanigans, I did as promised and stayed safely in the garden. Well.....I SAY safe, I did almost get decapitated by a branch, slid off the mower once, almost drove into the stream and also, got attacked by a vicious organised gang of some brambles!

Yes...after about a month of it being too wet, I finally had to get around to the mowing today. I have to say it was still pretty boggy...comes of having a stream in the garden I suppose. Wet, was the word of the day!

As you can see...while I was mowing the lawn (all very sloping, awkward, low-tree-requiring-limbo-skills, careful-or-you-will-drive-into-a-ravine, slightly dangerous, one acre of it), Mr C was painting the house. Yes, rain stopped play on this project during the latter part of the summer and we are STILL doing it!

You will see progress so far on here - you will also see how deep the grass was!! you can?t! It was WAY worse in other areas! ;-)

Despite sounding like I am moaning moaning I quite enjoyed it. Life's sunshine is making me happy at the moment and I am sure that is helping me to stick to my diet so well too. Three whole months now - I have impressed myself! Something is definitely motivating me and long may it last! :)

I am halfway towards catching up on, looking at, enjoying and commenting on all your lovely blips too - I am up to M! Although I may have randomly done a few others too ;-) I WILL catch up! Thank you for bearing with me! :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend :) XxX

PS - This isn't my usual type of music at all, (I feel I should apologise in advance), but due to the word 'wet' being so much at the forefront of my mind, I have had this song in my head all afternoon!

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