A writing day!

My friend Rosemary and I attended the Cabot Trail Writer's Festival this morning. We both signed up for a Responsive Writing workshop with Shanty Grant, a Halifax writer. What fun to challenge yourself in such a non threatening atmosphere! I have no aspirations of becoming a writer of stories in the traditional way, ie. books, poems or whatever, I am more drawn to the experience of asking questions and finding the response inside! Writing for my own pleasure of digging around in my memories and feelings....so i didn't have any huge expectations....which was a good thing! Shanty was very good at leading us in a whole lot of exercises....like taking a book, finding a sentence, copying it down and continuing the story....i had fun with that one. She also had us choose an image and write a story about that....my image was of a painting, very circular, and vibrant, reds, yellows, oranges swirling around a very dark hole.....i wrote a small piece from point of view of a baby being born....who'd a thunk that i'd write something like that....very illuminating! So, it was a lovely departure from the usual saturday of working in the studio or dealing with cabins here....after lunch we headed off to visit a couple of the artists in the area!

now, back home, and after a lovely chat with my daughter who lives in BC, (she's taken to calling me when she's bored at work....i'm a happy mom!) it's almost time to get dinner ready!

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