
By mattleach

Cross-dressing Sackboy

What a boring day today. I hate Mondays.

Just had these samples come through of the next series of Little Big Planet figures for us to sell. Really like this one although it may have been better using a Sackgirl character as he does look a bit like he's cross dressing!

Wills school have phoned up and said he's hurt his shoulder playing basketball. Hopefully he'll be fine? They said he was OK and we didn't need to speak to him or pick him up? Not quite sure why they phoned then to be honest?

Typical he's got his Taekwondo grading tonight that we had rescheduled and paid for an extra class last night for him to revise.

I'm worrying something else has happened and he's feigning it as he had tough time yesterday when a couple of his mates had a go at him during the football match blaming him for some mistakes. It's the last thing he needs. I really wish I'd never got him into football it's been terrible for his confidence. He's gone from a really good player to one that's terrified he's going to make a mistake every time he touches the ball. Kids can be vile at times , they lost 5-1 and the worst part is that he wasn't at fault for any of the goals it was the boys moaning who were at fault, I guess they are just trying to deflect the blame.

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