stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead


...or Boring Emergency Blip!

First of all I'd like to thank everyone for all the very generous comments from yesterday's blip. I'm paranoid about damaging the camera in rain so rarely use it even though the general consensus from everything I've read is that the waterproofing on the 60D is fine. I just couldn't resist the opportunity for the anti-Indian summer shot!

It was going to be something similar to this. Sorry I could only save you one day from it!!!

As I mentioned last week, my little junket to the west coast put me into immediate back-blip mode since my poor wee notebook couldn't handle the pressure so I needed to upgrade. This is absolutely the last piece of kit I'm buying for my photography though (for a wee bit anyway). I've decided that my efforts to reinvigorate the UK economy on my own are completely lost on this government! It does seem a bit reckless but I have been using my overtime and saving up for each item though. Mr Credit Card has stayed firmly in the wallet!

I have 2 weeks holiday and 3 weeks accrued lieu days to take (preferably before the end of the year - but unlikely given the ongoing workload) so I will hopefully be mobile-blipping soon! :- )

Coming up for my first blip-winter though I will need to find a project to provide a little more in the dark days ahead. This will require a couple of things. I need to tidy the flat so I can show something a bit more than the corner of my sofa and I'll need to dig out that old thinking cap!!! Might even be able to get somewhere with the much thoughtover blog/website which has a name but little else!

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