Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Free Lensing...sort of.

Beautiful autumn morning this morning so Noah and I went for a walk after we'd dropped H at school.

I found a bit of clear plastic in the garage recently. I *think* it may have been something from when I was at uni...we did a couple of days making our own lenses (very badly ;-) in the first year and I vaguely remember practising shaping and polishing. Anyway..the bit of plastic made everything look a bit weird, so I took it with me on the walk..just in case.

While Noah was peering in the water I had play...sort of free-lensing with it, and this is the result, which isn't displeasing really.

Other than that, not a lot happened today.

I went to see the lovely Pierre, who is my osteopath and he reset my back and knees again...ready for me to b*gger up again over the next six months ;-)

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