Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Antique Ophthalmoscope

Just playing with a few ideas for a project I'm working on.

Took Noah to Toddler Gym this morning and H to A and E this evening!

Poor old H. He was attempting stunts on his scooter and flew through the air, breaking his fall with his head! He has a HUGE lump and an impressive bruise. The staff at Kettering A&E were brilliant and whisked him in for a full assessment.

He's not allowed to play out tomorrow, or go to gymnastics over the weekend, or trampoline or do anything energetic for 24-48 hours. They'll assess him again in 48 hours time.

I also have to wake him at 11pm tonight and 3-4am tomorrow morning. Clearly the Doctor knows nothing about H, who could sleep through a Grateful Dead concert in the next room and is as grumpy as a Troll with PMT if you do manage to rouse him! Oh lucky me.

I said he could sleep in our bed tonight and Bob will sleep in H's. "Whooppeee," shouted H and performed a flawless handspring on to our bed. "Oops," he said, "I shouldn't have done that should I?" Failed at the first post. HOW am I going to keep him calm and still for 48 hours. I couldn't manage 48 minutes!

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