Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Follow the trail of devastation...

...and you'll meet the mess monster.

Alternative title Wednesday's are bad for blipping!

It's not that I don't like Wednesdays, it's just there's rather too much Wednesday for the allotted 24hour slot.

Too much to do (work always takes longer than it should...I love my job but I'm rarely back in time to pick Noah up from nursery), too little time and my brain now feels like it's been put through a blender.

I snapped this one as a back-up blip around 4pm thinking, 'I'll get something better later...' later came and went in the blink of an eye and I never did get anything better so back-up blip it is.

At least Grandma will be happy :-)

* Noah has got real's just that he prefers the contents of my cupboard: the pegs, the vacuum cleaner and all my measuring jugs. Lets just hope social services don't look at my photos eh?

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