With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Little boys

as my granny Hothersall would call them. Dumplings. With beef stew for hungry little boys.

A manic day, with pay cheque to be paid in (more complicated than it sounds), washing, cleaning etc, various electrics are now in the process of being sorted by the lovely Juanma, three boys fettled after school, dinner half prepared, two boys off to music school, the other to football, one returned from music (left the other there, it's o.k., he's not mine!), reading in the library, other returned from football after a play for Agu and entertainment for me from thebigger orange shirts, back for dinner. Screeech.... gas out..... nearly all was lost..... new gas on.... dinner with my little boys, and the story tonight was with them on the sofa listening to tales of Great Grandma and her little house in Yorkshire (though she was a Lancashire lass).

Now tomorrow is imminently close and three machines rumbling or beeping in the distance. Mrs Pepperpot has just phoned, as she is off on a trip from Thursday, Ben has big plans for some ratting with his friend Pau this weekend, though I was thinking of taking them fishing. Who will take the bait? You can never tell with little boys.

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