just allan

By allan

Top of the Morning

Edinburgh from the lower slopes of Arthur's Seat this morning. The light was fantastic as the strong westerly blew the clouds over and I was feeling pretty 'up' after a week of healthy living and a proper sleep. A nice wee message to top that off, and with my first meeting a bit later on I popped along from the train station on the bike to take the air - and perhaps a photo or 2. I waited for the light and snapped off a (digital) reel then headed to work.

If you don't know Edinburgh: this picture is straight - the whole town slopes! This view has the Castle far left from which the Royal Mile descends to Holyrood old and new - the Scottish Parliament centre-left and the Palace centre right.

Behind, left to right there's the Scott Monument, the North British Hotel (or whatever it's called nowadays) and the old Royal High School beneath Calton Hill with the Nelson Monument and the National Monument on top, Regent Terrace trailing off to the right.

Most stuff really. Large.

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