Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Beagle in the Park

Don't be deceived by the sun in this picture, this was taken in the 10 minutes when it stopped raining! We got totally soaked in the park this morning, the beagle ran through a huge muddy puddle, ate some mud and generally had a fantastic run around. It always surprises me how many dog walkers are out even when it's pouring - we're a hardy bunch although I did wear my gloves today. I think I'm going to invest in a pair of fingerless gloves with the flap you can pull over so they look like mittens - was all fingers and thumbs this morning, holding a ball, treat and gloves in my hand while trying to reattach her lead was not easy. She's still a pup and squeaky ball and treat required to get her to come back to me!
Sometimes surprise myself by sounding like my mum when talking to the children but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would utter the phrase "No pigs ears on the sofa , please!". Coco fills my life with wonder.

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