Pretty colours

23months 16days

Pretty colours is what Katie calls painting. Pretty colours is what Katie spent so long at Montessori doing today. IT may not be the most photographically fabulous, but today the joy won over the quality!

She was delighted to be going to Montessori "Not nursery, Montessori. Emma, fish, bunnyrabbits, pretty colours". She had all her clothes and her boots on with over an hour to spare this morning. She ate her breakfast sat very still. She tidied up. All on the promise of Montessori! We went to pick Emma and her Mummy up and headed off.

They said hello to fish and bunnies before bursting into the room. Katie instantly spotted the painting table set up and was pulling her coat off as she ran to it. She puts aprons on very willingly when she wants to paint! The girls had the table to themselves. Good job really - they did a huge collection of paintings! Katie did 7. And they're large! It was "supposed" to be printing with the stampers. But after about 4 stamps, Katie stuck her hands in and did it by hand instead. She ran between each colour, patted the paper, ran to another, patted the paper. She was there for an hour.

She had a lovely long play with the musical instrument box. She emptied each one individually, then sat with Emma for ages playing with them all. She'd set out a little drumkit for herself (Jumpingbean would be proud!) She enjoyed song time, and walked like a very good girl as us mummies battled our way to the car with our huge collections of (wet) paintings - NB no toddlers were in the carpark without hands to hold in the process!

She was considering nodding off in the car but I managed to keep her awake till we'd bought some foody bits, given her some lunch and snuggled her down. That was at 1.30. Nearly 4pm before she surfaced with a little "hello. here are you Mummy".

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