Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Bloody Brilliant Birthday! :)

I am pleased to say it has been! :)

A nice lie in to start with, complete with breakfast in bed.......I should explain at this point, having been on this diet for a looong time, I was determined to have the day off and have everything I fancied. So, for the first time in I don't know how long, I had toast with butter!! Mmmmm!

A lazy couple of hours watching DVDs in bed (no, not THAT sort of DVD! ;-) and then my 'birthday cake' makes an appearance - a custard slice (my favourite) with three candles in it! Forty-four wouldn't fit on apparently! ;-)

A bit later, we went to a really lovely place for a great lunch......especially the dessert, (are you sensing a theme here yet? ;-) before popping home again.....mainly because I realised I had forgotten my camera. Oh, and my walking shoes. Oh, and also I had eaten so much I couldn't move!!

Luckily, this visit home coincided with a phone call with a dear friend and also a delivery of flowers from another much beloved friend! :-)

We then went out to the Country Park I discovered the other day and had such a long, wonderful walk around there. I really don't seem to be able to do it justice with my photos. There are far reaching views, amazing tall trees and beautiful wildlife, and I did try to capture all this but as usual, that part of my day is a slight disappointment, so instead, you just have a bit of a view over towards the castle.

It really is a magical place though - please take my word for it. It gives me such an amazing sense of wonder and peace. No one else was there, just us, the deer, the birds, the rabbits and the squirrels. I didn't get lost OR locked in this time! :) I did almost fall arse over tip over though, when I tried to stand up off a seat, pick my camera bag up and walk down some steps - all in one move ;-)

As I walked, I noticed there were hundreds of acorns on the path and it put me in mind of people. You come across so many of them in your life, but how many are special enough to take root in your life and grow into huge Oak trees? Becoming a huge part of your life that you can't imagine being without?

On days like today, people make the effort to get in touch to say happy birthday, even if they can't be with you. Some people send cards or gifts, or call up to say hello, some do it through twitter or facebook or indeed blip! Thanks to all those who have wished me well and a special thank you to Roy for including his good wishes on his own blip! :) I appreciate every single one, whether you are destined to be just a passing acorn or a mighty Oak tree in my life. Thank you.

OK - I will stop talking rubbish now. ;-) It really has been a good day....even the sun shone AND my hair actually did what I wanted it to this morning! Sunny weather in Wales in October AND a good hair day? That really is a result! :-D

Have a great Friday all XxX

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