Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare


....which is incidentally, another Beatles song title....but I am a bit late for that theme now! ;-)

So. Today summed up in one word? Rain! (Which is yet another Beatles song actu.......sorry..... I digress). ;-)

Anyway, Ych y fi, as we say in Wales! Not a nice day at all, so didn't really do much except housework, but did pop out for an aimless drive early afternoon and found a field of geese and took this one. I don't exactly know where I was I am afraid - somewhere between Llanelli and Swansea I think! I did say it was aimless! ;-)

Not too many incidents today...oh...except I did accidentally flick a razor at my face while I was cleaning the shower and ended up with a nasty cut on my chin! It bled for ages!!!

Welsh class tonight and I had a fit of the giggles (I am a bit of a giggler of an occasion, usually when someone has put me in a good mood) and now I am struggling to type as my nails are just far too long. I could have someone's eye out as my Grandmother would say!

Crikey... I appear to be even more random than usual, I do apologise! It's my birthday tomorrow and I think the excitement has gone to my head ;-) Or maybe I am just happy and feel I am flying like the bird in the blip (phew may have brought some degree of relevance back)!

I have to say though, that although I love where I live, the one sad thing about tomorrow is that I can't be with many of those I love. Distance will just not allow it. So instead I will cherish cards, gifts and good wishes and use my over active imagination to imagine them here! :)

Have a good Thursday everyone!


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