Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Happy families

Having got all silly over the baby seal yesterday, I couldn't resist these baby cows; with protective mother of course!

The delivery we missed yesterday, came today.

And it doesn't work :-/

I am not sure why it doesn't work - it part works - but not completely. Oh well, basically it's very annoying!

Other than that, we haven't done that much today although I wouldn't be me if there wasn't some incident or other to report!

It has been dull and cool here today and by the time we'd had the delivery and could go out, it was very foggy! Not ideal blipping conditions I have to say.

I thought a mist surrounded castle might be rather nice and romantic, but when we got there it was just....well....fog :-/

Misty views? Um......fog.

So I spotted these cows and then the fun started. I stopped the car (narrow lane, very very quiet....thought I could get away with it). I get out, Mr C gets in the driver's seat just in case. Well, I am sure these cows were playing me up deliberately!

I put on the normal lens, they run far away, I swap to the zoom lens, they get too close! So I am swapping and changing and running around following them......meanwhile, Mr C is having to keep moving the car because wherever he goes, someone else appears and wants to be!

I could sense he was getting annoyed so tried to rush....I suddenly god it has got a lot more foggy suddenly! But no....the lens is all misted up now! So those last 10 photos are no good then!!

I eventually got one or two reasonable shots, so I dash back to the car, open the passenger door, start to put one leg in and Mr C drives off! I hop a little way after him before he realises and stops! At least I think it was accidental - he was a bit tetchy after all! ;-)

After all that HE drove home and reminded me why I ALWAYS drive around country lanes. Travel sickness!

So there is today's tale!

Having said all that I do think this little family unit is very sweet. Mother and her twins! I am not sure where father is, such a shame they are parted, but I am sure he is gorgeous too!

So no ACTUAL sunshine here today but despite the curse of the incidents I am still very much of a sunny disposition :)

Have a splendid Wednesday everyone!


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