Hello Goodbye

I finally decided a few days ago to upgrade the mac mini and here it is. It's getting late and I met the old timers crew at the Guildford so I should really leave it till tomorrow. Maybe I'll just connect it up to make sure it works. No more than that.
Update: I got as far as finding that the wireless keyboard won't pair. I gather that I need to explicitly unpair it first. Ach, tomorrow will do.
So, Steve Jobs. I remember the first Mac I had - it was a Performa 630. 1994. I decided on it after a visit to a mac-head down Balgreen way who had a room full of midi keyboards. He was a bit too much into the Cocteau Twins and other young people's music. But he enjoyed a beer. I do believe he's blipping these days and lives over in Fife with bicycles, canoes, weans and cider.

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