What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Nature's fury

Well, looks like summer's gone again! The wind has picked up just in time for my bike to break, today's Blip was nearly 'Disaster' with an example of just what a bike can look like when the bottom bracket flips out.

Instead I determined to get a shot of the wind tearing through something, and found today's Blip on the way to the shops tonight. As usual I mucked about with settings I don't fully understand (the best way, of course) to get the branches blurring as they whipped around in the trees, and managed to anchor myself reasonably well enough against a wall to try and keep everything else sharp. I like the way the central trunk looks solid but the rest of the tree is ethereal, it gives it a proper otherworldly feel (perfect for getting into the mood for November's writing project as well!)

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