Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


My lunch - ham and pease pudding in a stottie

Bought my stottie in Greggs - no point buying one anywhere else as Greggs make the best.

For anyone unfamiliar with the stottie or pease pudding here is some info:-

A Stottie cake or stotty is a type of bread produced in North East England. It is a flat and round loaf (usually about 30 cm in diameter and 4 cm deep), with an indent in the middle produced by the baker. Though leavened, its taste and mouth-feel is heavy and very reminiscent of dough.

Stotties tend to be eaten split and filled. Common fillings include ham and pease pudding,but also bacon, egg and sausage. The heavy texture of the bread gives it its name. To 'stott' is Geordie meaning 'to bounce' because if dropped it would (in theory) bounce.

Though originating in the North East, stotties can be found in most parts of Britain, but not the south

Pease pudding, is a boiled vegetable product, which mainly consists of split yellow peas. water, salt, and spices, often cooked with a bacon or ham joint. It is light yellow in colour, with a mild taste. Pease pudding is traditionally produced in England, especially in the industrial North Eastern areas.

So a really traditional North east lunch for me today. Yum Yum.

EDIT - Forgot to tell you that when I opened my front door this morning to let Bobby out I found a massive dead woodpigeon on my front path. I was brave and managed to scoop it up with a dustpan and brush into a carrier bag. Gave me the shivers I can tell you. Then I wasn't sure where to put it - wheelie bin had just been emptied this morning so wasn't keen on having it festering in there for a week. So I phoned the Council. They are sending a chap out to collect it. Nice job for someone.

****** Neil update - Still in Kuala Lumpur. Been watching the rugby on TV and is leaving for Singapore tonight. Hasn't sorted his bank card out yet.

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