
His Lordship is 'nae weel'.
He has wrested defeat from the jaws of victory and has succumbed in a big way to a cold, my cold of 10 days ago as he would have it, and has spent the last 36 hours buried in hankies, sniffing and sneezing and bemoaning his lot.

Had I been the caring nurturing person that I am obviously not, I would have taken up nursing as a career, but left with someone with just a cold, I find it hard to empathise.
In fact let me make a confession: I find it very difficult to live with.
However in a holiday cottage there is no escape from the general snotter and tissue wielding: I have to grin and bear it like a trooper.

On the pretext that a dose of salt air would work wonders for nasal tubes, we went to Portsoy and had a bracing walk round the harbour.
The wind was strong enough to have the waves crashing over one part of the harbour wall, but it was elemental and brutal - woman pits herself against nature ( his Lordship having retired to the car at this point).

We rewarded ourselves with a bowl of Cullen Skink served with rough oatcakes at the Bar on the shore. Delicious and warming it was too.

The waves are also crashing on the beach outside our window at Sandend and I was hoping to see some wind surfers doing their stuff; the day is ideal for that, but there are no takers at the moment.

Having done the Blip thing, I am about to go for a walk on the beach and fight with nature again- I love it!

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