
Things started off peacefully and well this morning.
The sun was out and his Lordship was in a good mood after his hours on the hills with the 'last of the summer wine' yesterday and we had a picnic planned somewhere near North Berwick later in the day.

Somehow out of nowhere a chance remark of mine while food shopping triggered a small domestic and silence descended for the morning with the picnic eaten in silence.

Why is it that food shopping is something that we don't seem to be able to do as a pair? Not the companionable togetherness that I see with other married shoppers.
Things get fraught at the check out, mainly because I, as a mere woman, cannot possibly pack the shopping in a proper manner into the available ( or not available bags, the unavailability causing the upset today) despite the fact that I have a post graduate degree in shopping packing which I studied for, all those years when his Lordship was otherwise engaged.

Nevertheless, hurt silence or no, we made it to the village of Athelstaneford (pronounced 'Elsanford') where we had our picnic and blipped the views, each of which would have made a worthy blip.
It is always more difficult with several possible blips to chose one, rather than have the usual dearth.

The one I have posted is of the village looking east to North Berwick Law.

Now I'm waiting for the call from daughter #1 my firstborn, to arrange a time for a meet up. This her birthday, so a Happy Birthday Sally!

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