Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Hostage Situation

Stop Press:

News reports from Woking today: four hostages have been taken at the St John's Ambulance Centre. It is understood that 12 trainees kidnappers are holding the dummies to ransom because they are upset at the way their trainer dictator, Glyn, has made them deal with a lot of ludicrous emergency scenarios. The final straw was when four women had to deal with the aftermath of a coach crash.

It is understood the kidnappers' demands include passing their First Aid course without having to do the assessment and being allowed to go home early Friday afternoon. A spokesperson for the group has also asked for chocolate and wine to be sent in.

Here's the promised blip from my first aid course. I really wanted the blip to be of the resuscitation dummies but this was a much funnier picture than I thought I was going to get.

I passed but due to nerves I fluffed the incident section (I was OK on CPR and fine doing recovery position). Fortunately the assessor remembered me from three years ago and knew I was really nervous.

I could really get used to commuting along the towpath on my bike everyday but sadly back to the big city on the train on Monday.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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