All of a sudden...

All of a sudden it's autumn! It must have something to do with the cold, wet weather Mother Nature has inflicted on us for the past two weeks. Suddenly this week we are enjoying sunny blue skies and beautiful fall colors. The reds especially are absolutely amazing. I posted more in my photojournal, if you are interested. I took these pictures as I wandered around Corning Lake. Unfortunately I wandered straight into some marshy, stagnant water, which came right up over the top of my shoes. Eeuew, did it stink! I did a quick about face, back onto dryer land where I continued to snap more pictures despite my sopping wet, squishy shoes.

Looks even better in large.

Weather report: More of the same for at least the next three or four days...temperatures in the 70s and sunny blue skies. It's great weather for taking photo walks.

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