Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Bud and Buddies

Another fantastic day, with just enough wind to keep the midgies away.

While waiting for Di & Inge to arrive, I had fun trying to take shots like this in the garden. I enjoy this type of photography, although I don't do very much of it. Sea Urchin has inspired me today! We went back up to the peat bank this morning to cut do a second layer of cutting; it was surprising how much we got out of the deeper parts.

Then, back to the house for a wee snack, and my 2 pals decided to do a wee bit in my garden. They brought some sweet peas to plant up in my tubs, as an early birthday present. These are the same 2 friends who came during the week and took away a whole load of rubbish from around the house & garden and took it to the dump. They hoped I wouldn't be offended...... !!

A wee bit of sadness to the day, too. Di phoned when she got home to tell me that Colin Forbes, the Garage Man, died suddenly this morning. Colin was a great local character, who has always looked after my cars & has rescued me on more than one occasion with his recovery truck. I saw him the other night on the road, and he tooted and waved.

As Di said, life is too short - we must always help our pals when we can.

I'm lucky I have such great ones.

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