Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

RIP Tree

This is Lelant churchyard with the famous wind blown tree. This week the tree has become rather less impressive though as the bush on the floor is in fact the remains of a large chunk of tree that fell off in the storms.

CurlyCarrie has suggested sticking it back together with super glue but I have had a good look and I think the poor thing is beyond mortal assistance at this point.

I suggest that the most appropriate ceremony is a cremation, preferably in my fireplace on a cold winters evening. Bye now, I'm off to get my chainsaw ;-)

p.s. The churchyard is next to a golf course (but is out of bounds). A few balls came flying my way and the golfers asked me to check them back, when I did this one of them said "So you are going for another 365 then are you". Apparently he saw my picture in the paper last week. Fame at Last !

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