Some Days

By Euphemist


Our brass band played at the Fife Charities competition held in Kirkaldy, in Fife (who would have thought it!)

We had to play three pieces, one a traditional brass band "contest" march, then an arrangement of a hymn tune, and then a "test piece", a more involved piece of music lasting about 10 - 15 minutes.

We did not cover ourselves with glory today, although we won the prize for the best hymn tune.

We did though carry on the brass band tradition of leaving the stage and heading straight for the bar. You can see several of the band in the background, doing a post mortem analysis, discussing the finer points of adjudication, and trying to remember whose round it is.

This is my pint of Deuchars IPA (excellent) with my bacon and cheese crisps (sounded like a good idea at the time......but not recommended)

Never mind, next time we will take over the world!

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