
.....this is where we went when we did the "disappearing act" mentioned yesterday.

We left home about 1.30pm, grabbed a take away lunch and sat down on the beach and enjoyed the glorious weather. The wind was cold but lots of people on the Bay, some playing volleyball, others enjoying a walk, some colourful kites having a ball in the challenging wind and a few very hardy souls swimming. I took a few pictures of various things, then we went for a drive around the port - saw this colourful fishing boat returning to port with the gulls as company.

Doug & my morning was full on, we were as busy as couple of blowflys in a meat safe, but gosh the house and garden looks fantastic - but if I have to do this on a regular basis I will very soon "be over it"

I am now going to type up the clubs minutes before settling down to watch another two games of rugby......Oz v Sth Africa - that is a toughy and could go either way. The other one, All Blacks v Argentina, will be hard but we really should come home.

So, Ireland and England are winging their way home and now out of the tourney.


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