
Short for Fergus, green eyed, ripped ears, three legged, lovable & tons of attitude....he was lying on the terrace watching a bird on the roof - a lucky capture and my blip for today.

What a full on day this has been, we have been flat out like a lizard drinking!! Taking unnecessary stuff out to the woolshed just so the rooms don't look to cluttered. Vacuming and dusting & many other chores......my house is in total shock!!
The agent rang just before asking if he can take someone through tomorrow avi, Doug & I will do a disappearing act - it all feels really weird as we have been here since 1977.

The sun has shone all day and I really haven't been able to enjoy it at all. Tomorrow the lawns etc - 1st impressions must count.

Doug is just about a cripple and I'm a wreck, but still can manage a smile.


PS - Bring on the rugby....quarter finals this weekend.

PSS - Saw this on Facebook today -

"10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope & Johnny Cash,
Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash!!"

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