Drip Drop!!!

Back into the Ugg Boots, Polar Fleeces and heater cranking today.

We mowed the lawns early.....Doug on the rideon, me doing the lawns where the rideon doesn't fit. Funnily, they both take about the same time. As we were finishing the rain started - timing eh?

I don't know where the rest of the day has gone today really, a visitor late morning, a meeting with the heating people after lunch, then looking for TV and sound systems. I am starting to feel so weary from looking, listening, trying to make the right decisions etc, I am not grumbling as I realise how fortunate we are.....its just that I am getting tired. Outside shed framing went up today, even though it has rained....stoic chap!

No blip done, no blip even thought of until just before dinner tonight.....grabbed the camera (macro lens already on it), grabbed the brolly and out I went....this is the lovely (but very saturated) crab apple blossom. I put the flash on to give it some sparkle.


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