Lali's World

By Lali

Abstracts 6 - Drunken

You are at home, planning to have a quiet night in and then your friends ask you out. You think "ok, I'll just go for one". You go to the pub, have your one, and when it's finished, you decide that having another one won't do you any harm. After all, you're having such a good time with your friends. Having finished your second one, the connections in your brain start doing strange things and make you believe that having a third one is the best thing to do... and it's all downhill from there. You don't realise how many you've had until you find yourself in a seedy bar dancing on the table!

It's funny how we revert to our true selves when we have a few drinks. As I mentioned in a previous blip, we are inherently chaotic but there are some behavioural rules out there that keep us from jumping on the first person we fancy and doing other non acceptable stuff. However, the connections in our brain fail to recognise these rules when we're drunk and we end up making fools of ourselves and loving everybody to bits! Then there's the regret. The regret of being our true selves...

Just some random drunken thoughts.It so happened that I ended up having a few too many last night. I was just going out for one, honest! Hahaha.

As I had a bit of a hangover today, I grabbed Claudia (my bike) and went for a ride to Crammond beach. Cycling along the beach is one of those simple pleasures. I love it and it clears my head! Took some pictures, picked up some sea shells and went back home because it was becoming a bit too chilly.

Back to work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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