just allan

By allan

Doon Hill

A quick snap on the way to the shop, and a bit of fiddling on the computer afterwards. I spent the entire weekend cleaning, tidying, sorting and generally making our house a nicer place to be. Rewarding, tiring and I'm glad it's over! ... for now. A skip is still on the cards.

This view is from the farm road between Easter Broomhouse, Wester Broomhouse and Eweford. It was built when the A1 was dualled past Dunbar, changing the town in the process - largely for the better. These farm roads are ideal for us cycling families to get off the beaten path safely and easily.

After a bit of banter at the dinner table, we sat and listened to The Poosies who I saw last year in Peebles. Great stuff.

Doon Hill info on the excellent Undiscovered Scotland site.

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