
By earthdreamer

Looking down on the Lookout

Worth zooming in to see those trees again!

First, and most importantly, the mystery of the phantom shadow. Well, I'm quite saddened to have to tell you that there is no mystery. Of course there is no mystery. What were you thinking? There is - obviously - a fourth tree, smaller than the others but still substantial, and somehow completely masked in Friday's Taking a Moment. These four trees seem to be arranged such that from whichever angle you view them you only ever see just three at once. They had me well and truly fooled.

This actually tells us quite a lot about the nature of our perception, that we always try to fit what we see as reality into our models of what we expect to see, and also want to see. We never truly see reality but a version of it which is censored by a whole set of filters within the mind. It also tells us a lot about how, in this rational age, we seek after mystery. I was truly disappointed to find a simple explanation - even though I absolutely knew it was going to be there to find. I'm not going to suggest that there isn't mystery out there in the world, but quite often we see it where it isn't there at all - because some deep part of us really craves the irrational. I guess it's all part of being human.

Faced with this deadline tomorrow I feel a bit like I'm in the last mile of a marathon, having hit the proverbial wall. I've run out of mental energy but still have quite a distance to go. So no more philosophising tonight, but it would be interesting to have some thoughts to pick up with later.

Today was unremittingly wet and dank. A truly dreich day. I gave up on any hope of things improving after lunch and went out for a run in the rain with the camera, which was actually really good fun. It's odd that when I'm running I get the best relief from the cold symptoms and this still persistent cough. The only place to get pictures in the wet weather was by seeking shelter under trees, and I thought I would complete a triptych of shots by grabbing a view of that same small copse of trees, from above this time. There still only appear to be three trees! But, if you care to look back at Moorland Shoreline, you can actually see all four - just! Not that I can believe anyone really cares a toss any more!

Goodnight and thanks again for all your brilliant feedback. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it!

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