Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

The 10 Steps

A couple of weeks ago I was talking about going on a journey, well I guess today saw the first steps on that journey, in simple and basic terms I'm receiving coaching or mentoring to help me progress. I'm at a bit of a crossroads at the moment and just need some help, someone to bounce ideas to and talk through my thinking so I can see things more clearly.

The process is called Ten Steps to Personal Success, hence the blip of some steps, and it will require me to look hard at myself and my beliefs, understand the reason for decisions that I've made and continue to make. This is not just for my career, it's also for my own health and wellbeing and social life, to make sure that I get a proper work life balance.

To go forward in life you sometimes need to look back, that's what I'm going to be doing over the next couple of weeks. I think this journey is going to be exciting and interesting!

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