
By Nigel


I've not seen Spirituaized live for near 15 years now. Back in the 90s it was a kind of unwritten rule on our music tech course that all the hip kids went to see Spiritualized and sat in ring on the floor at the uni ballroom (where they nearly always played), sometimes even smoking illegal substances and generally digging the vibe, man. This time was much more grown up and civilised at the Queen's Hall, but probaly due to the way I watched the earlier performances I couldn't name any of the songs despite them all sounding very familiar. Excellent performance, though lacking anything significant from 'Ladies and Gentlemen...' and 'Pure Phase' which are the albums I listen to most, in a venue which it has to be said is very different than anywhere I've been before (and they serve oodles of lovely Williams Brothers beers in the bar) but which was probably around 30C by the time I left.

Earlier I had decided I would take a walk up the hills in Holyrood Park and take some pictures, which turned out to be a disaster. Not only did the ground underfoot turn out to be much wetter and slippier than anticipated but whe I got to the top and took my camera out the battery died after one shot. D'oh!

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