
By mattleach

Yet more Bella

Why isn't there more to photograph in our house?

I'm determined to try and start Blipping every day again but there's just nothing to photograph? I don't know how you all manage to do it?

Really chuffed about Will today! He was struggling in maths and dropped down a set this year. We considered getting him a tutor but I decided to spend 30-45mins three times a week with him going through old papers and a KS2 teaching guide. Surprisingly he's got his head down and hasn't put up a fight about doing these and apart from a couple of blips it's been a good bonding experience. Anyway he had his first test yesterday since we started and he came top of the class and beat many of his friends in the sets above him! It's not only the score I'm proud of, it's the fact HE came home buzzing about his achievement. He genuinely was happy that his hard work has paid off and I think he actually is realising if he doesn't put up a fight it can actually be (almost) fun to do! Good work fella!

He has another paper today? I really hope he progresses in this test as well! I'd love him to move back up by Xmas.

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