
By mattleach

Apple Agony!

I love all things Apple, I'm a real fanboy of them, but today it has caused nothing but agony!

I decided to upgrade my phone to OS5 and sheesh, they don't like to make it simple do they! It's took hours, first the update just wouldn't download on my new PC, apparently this brand of PC has that problem with Apple downloads!! Why should a brand of PC make a difference!!

I managed to set up my old system and download the four different files I need for each bit of hardware I have but this was like working in slow mo as my old PC churned away on it's last legs. Then I finally got to apply it to my phone (This is when I took the photo and it felt like nothing was going to happen at this point, it just froze but thankfully kicked back into action after a couple of mins) and now it's wiped everything!! Luckily a backup sorted that out but now it turns out that I don't think half the new features even work on the 3gS!! What a waste of time!

Oh well, only an iPad, Will's iPod Touch and Mrs L's iPhone 4 to do now!

The only good thing to come out of this is that I obviously NEED to upgrade to the 4gS now!

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