
By notsonormallife

Rasta pig 2 - Return of the Pigsty!

The return of Rasta Pig!!

Over the past two days I have been on another course for work. I noticed the return of Rasta Pig in my life yesterday. However I didn't blip it then as there was other things to go in there (See yesterday's blip). So I figured I'd take a picture of it on Day 2 of the course.

For those don't know I blipped a picture of this pig on the 14th of July. (I can't figure out how to link blips in the iPhone app yet, so you'll have to look for it). I figured it would be nice to have a look back on my blips from back then. The actual blip was mainly about my friends relationship, & that situation has been sorted now. However I mentioned my work, & how my confidence was returning. Which in itself was a reference to a previous blip too. I look at it now & realise how much my life, personality & outlook has changed since then. right now I'm doing it pretty well at work, full of enough confidence to do the job well, even taking things on I never would have before. This change has really come on within the past month, so no guessing why that has happened. They say the love of a good woman can change the world. I have to agree. & how quickly too.. A few months ago I was permenantely depressed, struggling at work & didn't like the look of my future. Now I'm very rarely without a genuine smile on my face, going well at work, & can see a future where I can be very happy.

The moral of this blip is things change, don't let life get you down. I got to some very dark places in the past, & I remember thinking I would never get to a place like I am now. Now I'm in this place, I don't ever want to let it go. My advice to people reading this blip, please don't give up on life like I nearly did. Things can get better & odds are they will! Learn from my story & don't make the mistake I nearly made.

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