In a Foreign Place

We woke up to a gorgeous, gorgeous day here in Montreal and jam packed it with lots of sightseeing. We walked around Old Montreal and the Old Port in the morning and spent a couple of hours in the Montreal Science Centre. All three of us loved it and thought it blew Boston's Museum of Science out of the water.

In the afternoon, we headed toward Mount Royal and then made the climb from the metro station to the Chalet near the top. The view was worth the climb, and our daughter was a trooper.

For dinner, we asked the concierge at our hotel to recommend some "family friendly" restaurants. The place we went last night didn't really qualify, but we loved the food. The place we went to tonight was another one of our suggestions. Ten or fifteen years ago, this would've been the kind of place we'd have gone to. As parents, we found it to be much too hip for us, and had to laugh at ourselves at how out-of-place we felt there.

Note to our future selves: Don't expect young, single, 20-something concierges in a hip town to necessarily understand the concept of "family friendly."

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