Look closer!


This made for some interesting reading in the Black Medicine Coffee shop bathroom. However more concerning that they had a need to put this sign (sorry set of detailed instructions) up on the door! THE BIG WHITE BOWL - AKA toilet lol x

Another long day at uni, but it was filled with a lovely lunch break with the Diploma girls. Whilst all sitting chatting happily having our coffee in our fave hang out, we were disturbed by a man bolting out of the door, followed by another guy chasing after him. The second guy then almost got knocked down by a transit van...he'd had his wallet stolen by the first guy so it was understandable. The whole coffee shop fell silent at the site of what had happened, before a debate about keeping our stuff safe... then guy number 2 returned with wallet in hand...a big cheer went up, yay for guy number 2 ! - however if people keep solving their own crimes then this can be detrimental to us lawyers lol!

Tuesday evening was spent having dinner with Jose who I have not seen in a few months, it was great to catch up and the fajitas rocked! Jay and CLP then surprised me with a visit - Jay passed his driving test today so hopefully his popping in rate will increase!

Great day, but still had uni work to do even after the guests left.

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