A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden

Breaking habits

I read .... a lot. I've usually got two books on the go. One that travels around with me to read on the bus and during my lunch break and one that I read at night before falling asleep.

As I no longer have a car, I am more mindful of the amount I carry around with me, notably lots of books when I visit the public library. I've already addressed this some time ago when, on impulse!, I bought myself a Sony e-reader. I sold it a few months later. It just wasn't the same as holding a book. I couldn't get to grips with it at all.

So since the Kindle came out I've been interested but not that much, until the launch of the Kindle 2. We've bought 3 for work to loan out. I brought one home to play with. I love it. It is so tactile and the screen saver pictures are fantastic. It holds more books than I could ever hope to read in one go.

But there is still that nagging feeling threatening to come to the surface. It's not a book, it doesn't feel like a book, and there is no pretty picture cover.

Can I get over this? I hope so, I don't want another expensive impulse buy which gets stuck in a drawer. But I do know one thing... my rucksack will be a lot lighter with a Kindle!

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