Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Not enough hours in the day............

Phew. I am pooped!

I left home at 10am and went to pick up the Ma-In-Law. We drove all the way to Bridgend......I had to do a secret squirrel mystery diner visit to our new Frankie and Benny's there. The only problem (apart from the 300 mile round trip) was that they recognised me before I walked through the door - not so secret , mystery diner. That is what you get for working with the same company since leaving school :)

I can thoroughly recommend a visit, the food and service were excellent. They have a shopping outlet there, and - although not as good as Bicester - there were a few bargains to be had. I bought some cute skinny jeans from Gap for £18.....and a black cape coat thing....and a top......and that was it! Mary bought lots of Christmas presents, so we did good.

The down side of today was the distance. I walked back in at 730 tonight. No Blip to hand except this one photo I took of Stanley this morning. Do you feel sorry for him?? Puppy dog eyes.......

I now have my PJs on, glass of wine in hand, Strictly is being watched on delay and we are about to order a curry - well it is curry week, it would be rude not to.

We have had an invite to a friends for dinner - cant wait. No cooking for me tomorrow as well as tonight...bonus!

Happy Saturday x

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