i like pumpkins

Oh yes I do! and I like pumpkin picking day. And what a beautiful pumpkin day it was, not a coat to be seen. Many shots I love; see them here.
check out the BUTTCRACK
and the cute especially.

In the morning I took Mr Nut to town. He thought we were buying a tiny car, which we did, but really we were buying an octopod and a kwazii cat and gup b action figure set. Though he watched the doors for incoming dragons at all the right points so he doesn't know that. You might think I am being very efficient with my christmas shopping and so did I but they have already sold out in many places. But not Tescos.

Then we went to the fiddling cat PYO (or what ever It is called) and they have changed the pumpkin field to the nearest rather than furthest. I asked the Nut if he would like a giant pumpkin, but he said he wanted a tiny one. It would fit in the house then. Very wise. We bought one moderately sized one, one small one with an interesting backside and one tiny one for dinner.

Then we went to the seaside and there were people in the sea and people flying about on giant kites and the nut had a giant chocolate icecream with a flake and it was all rather marvellous.

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