Changing the habit of a lifetime

Somehow I slept through a middle of the night incident. Then it was a late rise, comparatively speaking.

We did something which we have never done before in our house. Given the fact that we are going to again celebrate child#2's birthday we offered/contemplated/hummed and hawed but eventually simply offered to give the main gift before the date itself. As she was up for this revolutionary move, being very much one who is excited about the day itself, we sort of celebrated in advance.

One part of this, and the outcome of this for reasons which shall become clear shortly made me extremely happy, was to offer several options for a celebratory meal. A take away of either Chinese food, pizza, traditional chip shop chips, Indian food (well, you never know) was all shunned in favour of, pizza made by me! Hey that made my day.

Anyway a very happy girl, who lights up my life, constantly. Look forward to celebrating the birthday on the actual day.


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