
By Daystarimages

Faith without works is dead

This cat is not stuck in a tree, he comes up here quite often trying to catch his breakfast. The view from my kitchen window gives me a view of this tree at about 2 thirds of the way to the top. I get great shots of birds as well. One day, I counted six cats in this tree, all at various heights. Anyway, sometimes I feel like I have stepped out of a boat and have started walking on the water or like the cats, out on a limb with no way back.
My wife was talking to God in the spirit the other day and she was saying to Him, "You know, we don't have a plan B" and His response was exactly the same, "Neither do I". Every day is a step in a forward direction, there is no looking back when we start following in God's footsteps.
I have a motto that I kind of live by, I enter each day expecting the very best, if something else happens, it's probably for my best interest. One day, I'll tell my healing from cancer story. This God I serve is an awesome God. Some say we use God as a crutch, I beg to differ, rather as wings to fly above the storm and sometimes through it.

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