Netters and co

By Netters

one for my mum

My mum will love this, she will request it printed large, harrumph, she never wants a pic of me large .

Not blipped for over a week, I have too been busy in evenings to upload, I have been ironing and baking and xmas shopping, Amazon are doing very well out of me this year.

Not done anything exciting this weekend, popped to TKMaxx this afternoon for a rummage, then popped into Toys R us. Thats when the trouble started. In hindsight I should have known not to go in there, its a stupid shop, last time I was in there I noticed a shop worker following me, in a very close and annoying manner, so i stopped appruptly, he almost collided with me, "sorry he said, I notice you have some things in your shopping bags that we also sell in the shop. "No I havent, you do not sell these toys in here" "we do" I was already annoyed and now even more so, "Show me then" (he couldnt obviously because they do not sell the toys Freya had bought with her birthday money in toys r us) I flung my bag to the floor and produced a receipt "SEE !!!! I HAVE NOT STOLEN YOUR CRAPPY TOYS" "sorry madam, I have to check everyones bag, it is my job" his sole purpose to harrass people, what a job , anyway I told him to stop following me like some weird stalker and went home. Then today I waltz in the door carrying a TKMaxx bag , same man accosts me at the door "Sorry madam you cant bring your shopping in here "
Me: Oh Jesus its you again, why not ? why cant I have my bags with me ?
Him: No shopping bags, not allowed
ME: Well how bloody stupid ! what am I going to do ? steal a sylvannian family home ? shove a slide in my bag ?
Rob is outside as it happens so I dramatically fling my bag out of the door
ME: Happy now ?? what would i do if I was on my own ?
Him: I would look after your bag madam
Me: you frigging well would not, you might steal my stuff
Him; i do not steal madam
ME NEITHER DO I YOU PLANK !! i AM NEVER COMING TO YOUR SHITTY STORE EVER AGAIN. oh and I notice people can take handbags in.. whats the bloody difference ? (he looks a bit concerned at this point) I strop off and go and buy the nappies I needed (baby dept in the store) and leave, on the way out, there he is again
Me : Do you need to check I bought these here ?
Him : Oh no madam, I know you did. Have a nice day
Me: fuck off.

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